Humanitarian Coordinator for Libya Ribeiro strongly condemns the Direct Attack of Field Ambulance Team in Twaisha area [EN/AR]


An armoured ambulance vehicle carrying the Director of the Ambulance and Emergency Medical Services was directly attacked yesterday in Twaisha area in Qasr bin Ghashir neighbourhood, reportedly by LNA-affiliated fighters, leaving the Director in a critical health condition and further injuring two paramedics.

The Humanitarian Coordinator for Libya, Maria Ribeiro, expresses her strong condemnation of this attack as a serious breach of International Humanitarian Law. “Direct attack of a marked ambulance seriously injuring three health workers is absolutely abhorrent and should not be tolerated. Those who ordered and carried out this attack must take legal and moral responsibility for this heinous act”.

Health workers in Tripoli have taken a heavy toll since the onset of hostilities started early April, and we prevail upon parties to the conflict to respect their clear obligation under International Humanitarian Law to protect medical teams.