Statement by the Humanitarian Coordinator for Libya, Maria Ribeiro, on the Humanitarian Mission to Derna, 22 February 2019 [EN/AR]


Tripoli, 22 February 2019

The United Nations was able to conduct on 21 February its first humanitarian mission to the Eastern Libyan city of Derna in over 5 years, where fighting recently ceased after a long siege.
Hostilities in Derna, especially in the Old City, have severely impacted civilians, particularly women and children.

The primarily objectives of the Mission were to meet and support humanitarian partners and actors who are engaged in providing humanitarian and lifesaving assistance to the affected population.

Additionally, the Mission met with the Municipality Council of Derna and the Libyan Red Crescent to discuss the humanitarian situation and needs in the city and conducted field visits to several locations in Derna.

Initial observation from the mission found that the affected population is in dire need for sustained access to social and basic services, including health, protection, psycho-social support, WASH services and electricity. Furthermore, there is a need for a mid and long-term intervention in term of development, social cohesion and peacebuilding.

A mission to comprehensively assess the detailed needs of the city and to plan response will follow shortly, if conditions allow.

The Humanitarian Country Team in Libya warns of the dire consequences of the compounded humanitarian crisis in Derna, and calls for unconditional, unimpeded and sustained humanitarian access to the affected civilians in Derna. It urges all parties to the conflict to respect and take all measures to protect civilians and civilian instillations, and to strictly adhere to their obligations under International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights Law.

For more information, please contact OCHA Libya,