Statement by the Humanitarian Coordinator for Libya, Maria Ribeiro, on the Humanitarian Situation and Protection of Civilians in Libya (Tripoli, 08 April 2019) [EN/AR]


Tripoli, 08 April 2019

The escalation of violence in and around Tripoli has caused the displacement of more than 2,800 persons fleeing from fighting, blocked emergency services from reaching casualties and civilians, and damaged electricity lines. The upsurge in violence is further increasing the misery of refugees and migrants arbitrarily detained in detention centres in areas of active conflict.

The Humanitarian Coordinator, Maria Valle Ribeiro, reminds all parties of their obligations under International Humanitarian Law and International Human Rights Law to ensure the safety of all civilians and civilian infrastructure, including schools, hospitals, and public utilities, and to allow unimpeded and sustained humanitarian access to all affected areas.

The United Nations continues to call for a temporary humanitarian truce to allow for the provision of emergency services and the voluntary passage of civilians, including those wounded, from areas of conflict.

The Humanitarian community in Libya is following developments closely and has already activated the emergency humanitarian response to assist civilians where needed.

For more information, please contact

Niels Scott, OCHA Libya,

Firas Akkad, O/DSRSG/HC,