Statement by the Humanitarian Coordinator for Libya, Maria Ribeiro, on the Humanitarian Situation and Protection of Civilians in Libya [EN/AR]


12 April 2019

Military confrontation in Libya continues to cause civilian death, injury and misery.

Indiscriminate artillery shelling on densely populated and residential areas in Al- Swani in the southern outskirts of Tripoli on 11 April resulted in the death of one civilian and three injuries of which two are in critical condition. These numbers are just one example of the horrific implications of indiscriminate attacks on civilian neighborhoods in Libya. Additional indiscriminate shelling on civilian areas was reported yesterday from Ain Zahra.

International humanitarian law very clearly imposes legal obligations on all parties to conflict to minimise human suffering during hostilities. And yet again we witness civilians being killed and seriously injured by indiscriminate shelling.

Concerns prevail for the safety and security of emergency medical teams: in one week three medical personnel have been killed and five ambulances have been incapacitated by shrapnel. And in turn these violent incidents have deprived many patients that would otherwise have received treatment.

The humanitarian community is supporting emergency services to maintain reliable humanitarian corridors for the provision of emergency services and the voluntary passage of civilians, including those wounded, from areas of conflict. Though at present, 8 out of 10 families who requested evacuation to safer areas cannot be evacuated due to hostilities and lack of access.

The Humanitarian Coordinator, Maria Valle Ribeiro, reminds all parties of their obligation to prevent harm to civilians, safeguard civilian infrastructure and to ensure safe, unimpeded and sustained humanitarian access by emergency services and aid workers to all affected people.

Civilians, including medical and aid workers in conflict are not a target.

For more information, please contact Karuna Herrmann: