Statement by the Humanitarian Coordinator for Libya, Maria Ribeiro, on the Impact of Hostilities in Tripoli, Libya and Civilian Casualties [EN/AR]


Tripoli, 24 September 2018

I am deeply alarmed by the humanitarian impact of the escalation of hostilities in Tripoli. Eleven people have been killed, most of them civilians, and 18 injured in the past two days. This brings the total of civilian casualties since the beginning of hostilities to 115 fatalities and 560 injuries.

The ongoing military clashes between different Tripoli militias have trapped many civilians and resulted in families being displaced to safer areas. Current estimates are that a total of 5,000 families, including 1,700 in just the past two days, have sought refuge with relatives in safer parts of the city and its outskirts since fighting commenced on 26 August. Many are afraid to leave their homes because of looting by armed groups or criminal elements. As the fighting escalates, the number of civilians affected by violence is bound to increase.

In addition, the clashes have led to a breakdown in basic services such as electricity and water.

The Humanitarian Country Team in Libya warns of the dire consequences of the compounded humanitarian crisis in Tripoli, and calls for unconditional, unimpeded and sustained humanitarian access to the affected civilians in Tripoli. It urges all parties to the conflict to respect and take all measures to protect civilians and civilian instillations, and to strictly adhere to their obligations under International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights Law.

For more information, please contact OCHA Libya,