Statement by Yacoub El Hillo, Humanitarian Coordinator for Libya, on the killing of a young Eritrean asylum-seeker [EN/AR]


The United Nations Humanitarian Coordinator for Libya, Yacoub El Hillo, strongly condemns the killing of a 15-year old Eritrean asylum seeker in a shelter in Tripoli on 10 November 2020.

“I am shocked and deeply saddened to learn of the death of a young Eritrean asylum seeker yesterday at a shelter in Tripoli. Like many Libyans, migrants, refugees and asylum seekers continue to pay the price of the protracted crisis in the country. I urge the Libyan authorities to fully investigate this incident and bring the perpetrators to justice. Those responsible for these attacks must be held accountable,” said El Hillo.

The incident is reported to have occurred in the early hours of Tuesday morning. A group of six men, carrying heavy objects and a gun entered the property, in the Gergaresh area, and began shooting in the shelter, killing the 15-year-old asylum seeker and injuring two others who received head wounds.

The UN Refugee Agency, UNHCR, confirmed that the young victim had been awaiting resettlement out of Libya in a third country.

Around 5,600 Eritrean asylum seekers and refugees have been registered by UNHCR and live in urban areas in Libya, where conditions remain very challenging.

Many refugees and migrants in Libya report that one of their biggest daily concerns is crime, including kidnapping for ransom and harassment by armed elements. Back in January, two Eritrean asylum seekers were also shot dead at their accommodation in Tripoli. In May, 30 migrants were shot dead and 11 others injured at a smuggling warehouse in Mizdah city. The UN had called for the authorities to launch an immediate investigation into the incident and bring those responsible to justice.

For further information, please contact: Caroline Gluck, Senior External Relations Officer,, +218 91000 7195