UN Humanitarian Coordinator urges access to humanitarian assistance for people affected by conflict in southern Libya

The UN Humanitarian Coordinator Maria Riberio expresses alarm at the toll the continued fighting in southern Libya is having on ordinary people, including reduced access to humanitarian assistance and health services.

In addition to reports of civilian casualties and allegations of human rights abuses, the situation has severely strained the already weak health services in the South. The UN received reports that Sabha hospital, the main healthcare provider in the South, is currently inaccessible and that access to Al-Zwayia primary health care centre, currently used as field hospital, and Bergen Hospital is restricted and unsafe. Urgently needed emergency medical supplies cannot be delivered by humanitarian actors unless safe access is provided.

The UN Humanitarian Coordinator calls for immediate access for the delivery of urgent humanitarian assistance, and urges all parties to the conflict to respect International Humanitarian and Human Rights Law.

“All possible measures should be taken to ensure that the enjoyment of the right to health for those living in the south does not further deteriorate,” said Maria Riberio. “The UN stands ready to deliver the needed emergency supplies as soon as the safe access is provided,” she added.

For more information:
Office of the Humanitarian Coordinator: maes@un.org (OCHA)