United Nations humanitarian chief calls for urgent humanitarian access to Misrata, Libya

(Tunis/New York/Geneva, 6 March 2011): Valerie Amos, United Nations Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator, today called for urgent humanitarian access to Misrata in the west of Libya following reports of violence and killing in the area.

"Humanitarian organizations need urgent access now. People are injured and dying and need help immediately. I call on the authorities to provide access without delay to allow aid workers to help save lives," she said. "I would also remind all concerned to ensure that civilians are protected from harm," she said.

The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs has received reports from the Benghazi Red Crescent that Misrata is under attack by Government forces and that the Libyan Red Crescent is trying to get ambulances from Tripoli in to collect the dead and injured.

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