UN Deputy Humanitarian Chief to visit Malawi and Madagascar 16 – 22 July 2016


WHO: Kyung-wha Kang, UN Assistant Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Deputy Emergency Relief Coordinator

WHAT: Mission to Malawi and Madagascar

WHEN: 16 – 22 July 2016

WHERE: Lilongwe, Antananarivo and field locations

United Nations Assistant Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Deputy Emergency Relief Coordinator Kyung-wha Kang, is scheduled to visit Malawi and Madagascar from 16-22 July to see for herself the impact of El Niño in Southern Africa.

Southern Africa is experiencing the worst El-Niño-induced drought in 35 years, following the failure of two consecutive rainy seasons. The drought has compounded existing vulnerabilities and nearly 40 million people in the region are food insecure: some 2.7 million children face severe acute malnutrition. If no immediate assistance is received, these figures could rise dramatically.

During her visit, Ms. Kang is expected to meet representatives of affected communities, government officials and humanitarian representatives in Malawi and Madagascar to discuss the effects of the drought and the efforts currently underway to address people’s needs.

For more details of media opportunities during the mission, please contact:

Antonette Miday, UNOCHA ROSA, South Africa Miday@un.org +27 635639159

Chikondi Lunduka, UN Malawi chikondi.lunduka@one.un.org +261 773 500, +265 999750573

Atupele Kapile, UN Malawi atupele.kapile@one.un.org, +265 995 28 1791

Zoé Rasoaniaina, UN Madagascar zoe.rasoaniaina@unic.org, +261 33 15 008 56