CERF Newsletter May 2009


CERF Advisory Group concludes deliberations in New York

The CERF Advisory Group met in New York on 28 and 29 April 2009. Ms. Yoka Brandt of the Netherlands was elected as chair and Mr. Moazzam Malik of the UK as vice-chair.

The Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator, Mr. John Holmes presented a review of the CERF, including progress made against the Management Response Matrix, developed in response to the recommendations made by the Two-year Evaluation of the CERF. The two-day meeting agenda covered a range of topics pertinent to the management and functioning of the CERF, and the complementarities between CERF and the various pooled funding mechanisms.

The seventh meeting of the CERF Advisory Group marked its first opportunity to discuss directly with the Controller issues related to the administration of the Fund. The UN Controller, Mr. Jun Yamazaki, discussed with the Advisory Group administrative and financial matters related to the operation of CERF. Mr. Rashid Khalikov, Director, OCHA New York, presented the CERF Communication and Resource Mobilization Strategies to the Advisory Group. Other issues discussed throughout the course of the meeting included improving partnerships with NGOs and the development of a performance and accountability framework.

The Permanent Mission of Canada hosted a reception for representatives of NGOs and humanitarian agencies, which allowed for open dialogue on specific administrative, programme and policy issues.

The CERF Advisory Group comprising 16 senior experts in humanitarian affairs provides periodic policy guidance and expert advice to the Secretary-General on the use and impact of the Fund The Recommendations and Conclusions from the meeting will be shared with Member States. The Advisory Group will meet next in Geneva in the November.

ERC John Holmes addresses Member States on the status of the CERF

On 1 May 2009 at UN Headquarters in New York, Mr. Holmes briefed Member States on the progress of CERF.

Mr. Holmes presented an annual review of the Fund. He then discussed the outcomes of the meeting of the CERF Advisory Group and progress made against the Management Response Matrix, which outlines the recommendations of the Two-year Evaluation of the Fund. Mr. Holmes also presented the next steps in the planned review of the CERF's life-saving criteria and the development of a performance and accountability framework.