Mali : Menaka region - Situation Report No. 3 - As of 30 June 2022



• The localities of Inékar and Tidermene are still hotbeds of tension, but some organizations have gained temporary access and are conducting activities there.

• Anderamboukane town remains a difficult area to access, but according to local authorities commercial movements from Niger have resumed and the town has been receiving supply.

• Some people moved preventively to Menaka town due to threats from armed men.

• A UN CERF rapid response allocation was carried out to cover urgent shelter, water, sanitation, health and protection needs.

• 163 schools are closed in the Menaka education academy affecting about 48,900 students.


As the security context is very volatile in Menaka, several incidents have taken place in areas hosting displaced people, forcing many to seek refuge in new places. On 24 June, unidentified armed men summoned the inhabitants of several localities, including some located less than 10 km from Menaka, to leave their original towns. This situation caused new movements towards Menaka, where newly internally displaced persons (IDPs) have not yet received assistance.

Following heavy rains in Menaka, on 27 June, OCHA visited the informal IDP camp to thoroughly assess the situation of vulnerable people in the camp. OCHA noted that is extremely urgent to provide shelter for children, women, and elderly people who are sleeping in the open air.