The Regional Humanitarian Fund for West and Central Africa allocates US$5.3 million to support the emergency response in Gao, Ménaka and Bandiagara regions


(Bamako, 20 September 2023): For the first allocation to Mali, the Regional Humanitarian Fund for West and Central Africa (FHRAOC) released five million three hundred and fifty thousand US dollars (5.3 million USD) to provide emergency multi-sectoral assistance to populations affected by the nutritional crisis and displacement in the regions of Gao (Ansongo circle), Ménaka (Ménaka circle), and Bandiagara (Koro and Bankass circles). Humanitarian interventions funded through this allocation will deliver vital humanitarian assistance to 230,000 displaced people and host populations, in hard-to-reach and underserved areas over a 12-month period.

This allocation will fund ten (10) emergency projects implemented by national/local and international NGOs in the priority sectors of water - hygiene - sanitation, education, nutrition, health, food security and protection. By targeting NGOs, particularly national and local actors, the FHRAOC contributes to efforts to localize the humanitarian response in hard-to-reach and underserved areas.

This year, the intensification of armed conflict led to large populations displacements, particularly towards the center and east of the country. In April 2023, there were more than 375,000 IDPs in Mali, compared to about 370,000 in April 2022. 54% of these IDPs are women. Gao, Ménaka and Bandiagara regions alone host 43% of these IDPs, who live in precarious conditions with limited access to basic social services. This situation is exacerbated by the impact of climate change, which is affecting the livelihoods of millions of people and exposing children under the age of five to malnutrition.

"This is the first FHRAOC allocation to Mali since the launch of this country’s envelope. By targeting NGOs, the FHRAOC enables frontline local actors to respond in areas where needs are most acute. This approach will help alleviate the suffering of affected populations and save thousands of lives," said Alain Noudéhou, Humanitarian Coordinator in Mali.

Between January 2022 and January 2023, the number of people in need of emergency assistance increased from 7.5 million in January 2022 to 8.8 million. Through the Humanitarian Response Plan for 2023, humanitarian partners in Mali are seeking to mobilize $751.4 million to support 5.7 million people. To date, only 21% of the funding for this plan has been mobilized.

For further information, please contact : Ramatoulaye Moussa Mazou, Public information officer, OCHA Mali, Olivier Nkidiaka, Fund manager Regional Humanitarian Fund for West and Central Africa UNOCHA, Regional Office for West and Central Africa, Press releases are available on