Mongolia UNDAC alert message

Operator, please pass this message immediately to members of the United Nations Disaster Assessment and Coordination (UNDAC) Team and to the national authority responsible for UNDAC, in accordance with the standard operational procedures for UNDAC mobilization.
Event: Country: Mongolia
Type of Disaster: Devastating Winter Conditions (Dzud)
Date and Time of Occurrence: December 2000/(January 2001)
Affected Area: Mongolia

Preliminary Information on Damage:

On Friday, 15 December 2000, during a meeting between the Permanent Representative of Mongolia to the UN (New York) and the UN Emergency Relief Coordinator a.i., Mongolia officially asked the United Nations for advice and support in bringing the desperate situation in Mongolia to the attention of the international community.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs reported through the Office of the UN Resident Coordinator in Ulaanbaatar, that large parts of the "aimags" of Bayankhongor, Bulgan, Dornod, Dornogobi, Gobi-Altai, Hentii, Khovd, Khuvsgul, Ovorkhangai, Selenge, Sukhbaatar, Tov, Uvs, and Zavkhan have already been affected by heavy snowfall. The average depth of snow was 60 to 70 cm in mountain areas and 15 to 20 cm in steppe regions. Average temperatures in these areas range from minus 25 to minus 30 degrees centigrade. Roads and mountain passes have already been blocked by snow and "dzud" conditions appear to be forming.

Latest news reports indicate that the early snowstorms have killed already almost 16,000 head of livestock and more losses are expected in the near future. Government officials report that requests for assistance, have been received from several "aimags".

OCHA plans to dispatch an UNDAC team to carry out relief needs-assessment and to prepare an appeal for international assistance. The mission is tentatively planned from 8 to 24 January. The UNDAC team will include if possible UNDAC members from WFP, UNICEF, WHO, IFRC and a representative from FAO. We are looking for UNDAC members with particular expertise in 1) livestock management, 2) operation and maintenance of communications equipment, 3) health and nutrition, and 4) the preparation of appeals. Ms. Sabine Metzner-Strack, Head Asia/Pacific Desk, DRB, OCHA-Geneva, will lead the team.

UNDAC Team Members:

1. Confirm receipt of this message to your national mobilizing centre.

2. Inform OCHA-Geneva immediately of your availability for an UNDAC mission, your present contact point, the closest airport to your present location and the earliest time you can be at the airport ready for departure.

For communications with OCHA-Geneva please use the UNDAC mobilizing lines which are now open:

Facsimile: +41 (0)22 917-0023
Telephone: +41 (0)22 917-1600