Humanitarian Coordinator for Mozambique Marcoluigi Corsi - Statement on the Prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse, 3 May 2019 [EN/PT]


As we respond to the urgent needs generated by Cyclone Idai and Cyclone Kenneth, I would like to reiterate, on behalf of the entire Humanitarian Country Team in Mozambique, our Zero Tolerance policy on sexual exploitation and abuse.

It is not, and never will be, acceptable for any person in a position of power to abuse their authority under any circumstances and especially against the most vulnerable in their time of greatest need. From the outset of the Cyclone Idai response, and now as we respond to Cyclone Kenneth, we have broadcasted clear messaging - that aid is free and that sexual exploitation and abuse are unacceptable - through multiple communications channels. We have trained hundreds of aid workers and volunteers on the prevention of sexual exploitation and abuse.

However, even in the face of our best efforts to prevent cases from occurring, the reality remains that the risk of sexual exploitation and abuse persists. We have therefore established clear referral pathways to capture and follow-up on any rumour, report or allegation of sexual exploitation and abuse and have clear protocols to fast-track action in response such cases.

Our top priority now is to ensure that any survivor/complainant who has raised an allegation of sexual exploitation and abuse in Mozambique is safe and has rapid access to survivor-centred services and support. We are engaging with the Government and all other relevant interlocutors to ensure that any report of sexual exploitation and abuse is addressed confidentially, promptly and comprehensively.

We will not rest until we have done absolutely all that is within our power to prevent and address sexual exploitation and abuse as we respond to Cyclone Idai and Cyclone Kenneth. We are deeply and collectively committed to protecting the dignity and rights of the most vulnerable in every aspect of our response.

Marcoluigi Corsi,
Humanitarian Coordinator for Mozambique
In Maputo, Mozambique, 3 May 2019

For more information please contact:

Saviano Abreu (OCHA), in Pemba, +254 722 513 503 (Whatsapp), +258 84433 8033 (Local number),

Helvisney Cardoso (UNDP/RCO), in Maputo, +258 840448997,