Mozambique: US$ 103.6 million needed to support people affected by COVID-19 across the country and violence in Cabo Delgado [EN/PT]


Maputo, 4 June 2020 - The Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator for Mozambique, Myrta Kaulard, today called on the international community to scale up its support to Mozambique and help the country to protect those hardest-hit by multiple shocks, including the humanitarian consequences of COVID-19, as well as recurrent droughts, floods and the increasing violence in Cabo Delgado Province.

Ms. Kaulard presented on behalf of the United Nations and humanitarian partners two appeals that together seek over US$103 million to support the Government-led response to provide life-saving and life-sustaining assistance.

The COVID-19 Flash Appeal focusses on the most immediate and critical needs of millions of people already facing severe humanitarian conditions, who would be unable to withstand the health and socioeconomic impact of the pandemic. It covers the response required in the next nine months and prioritizes the needs of the most vulnerable, including people living in poverty, people with disabilities, those living with HIV, the elderly, displaced population and people at-risk communities. Out of $68 million appeal, $16 million are destined for the health sector, and $52 million for non-health sectors, especially food security & livelihoods and water, sanitation and hygiene. The COVID-19 Flash Appeal reflects an in-depth elaboration of the requirements for Mozambique that are outlined in the Global Humanitarian Response Plan for COVID-19.

“The appeals will complement the efforts undertaken by the Government of Mozambique, through the National Institute for Disaster Management (INGC), to assist the Mozambican people, particularly those displaced by the action of armed groups in Cabo Delgado Province and people affected by the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic,” stressed Luísa Meque, the INGC Director-General.

The Rapid Response Plan for Cabo Delgado seeks $35.5 million and will prioritize the urgent needs of those who have been affected by the increasing violence. The wave of armed attacks in the region since October 2017 have escalated significantly since January 2020, leaving tens of thousands of people without adequate access to food, water, sanitation or any basic services.

“The people affected are often the same people who had lost everything during Cyclone Kenneth and are now displaced for the second or third time in a year. The resources of host communities are depleting and those who are trapped in areas with insecurity have no means to sustain themselves.
Populations are completely exhausted and in desperate need for humanity and solidarity”, affirmed Ms.
Kaulard. “I call on the international community to come together and to timely and generously support the people of Mozambique by responding to these two appeals, concluded the Resident and Humanitarian Coordin

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