Three months on, continuing support still crucial for relief and early recovery efforts in post-cyclone Myanmar

[Yangon, 5 August 2008] - Three months after Cyclone Nargis hit Myanmar, delivery of sufficient relief and early recovery assistance remains a challenge, particularly in hard-to-reach areas of the affected Ayeyarwady delta. Continued support from all involved in humanitarian efforts is needed to ensure that the basic needs of the most vulnerable communities and restoration of livelihoods are addressed.

'We have seen significant progress being made in the affected areas as a result of the coordinated efforts of local and international humanitarian actors. However, much more urgently needs to be done in remote areas where affected communities are still living in dire conditions,' said the United Nations Humanitarian Coordinator in Myanmar, Daniel Baker.

With the loss of up to 85 percent of seed stocks and some 50 percent of buffalos in cyclone-affected areas, the rapid provision of paddy farming inputs in time for the monsoon planting season remains critical. While agriculture is a key area, as it affects both food security and livelihoods, it remains the least funded sector in the Revised Flash Appeal of 10 July, with unmet requirement of US$51 million.

To date, more than 25,600 tons of food assistance has been delivered to affected areas, of which almost 22,500 tons has been distributed amongst approximately 684,000 cyclone-affected beneficiaries. However, it remains urgent to meet the basic food needs of some 924,000 vulnerable individuals on a systematic basis over the next 9 months - although it is hoped that the forthcoming October/November harvest will lower requirements for food assistance. Meanwhile, 53 percent of the estimated 488,000 affected households have received some kind of shelter assistance, including plastic sheets, toolkits and other essential non-food items. In addition, many more households have rebuilt using local materials, but there will be a longer-term need to build safer and more permanent housing.

Although no major outbreaks of diseases have been reported, risk factors continue to be present. Restoring the approximately 75 percent of health facilities in the delta that were damaged or destroyed is essential to ensuring basic health services for rural population in the near future. To reduce the risk of water-borne diseases, interventions are still needed to provide an adequate supply of safe water for local populations. Over the last three months, 800 ponds have been cleaned and more than 14,000 latrine pan & pipe sets have been distributed. Expanded efforts will be needed, however, as there are approximately 1.8 million severely affected people in need of a continued supply of safe water.

Meanwhile, continued efforts are on-going to repair more than 900 schools to establish more than 400 temporary safe learning spaces for up to 60,000 children, to distribute essential learning materials to 140,000 girls and boys, and to provide school supplies to more than 600 schools. To date 254 Child Friendly Spaces are also functioning, providing protection and psychosocial support to children.

The cooperation between the Government of Myanmar, ASEAN and the UN through the Tripartite Core Group mechanism has laid the ground for these concerted relief and early recovery efforts. The increased numbers of international humanitarian workers permitted to help these efforts have also contributed to the progress. However, the need to assure continued access to remote communities, particularly for international NGO partners, is crucial.

More donor support is also critical to fund the remaining relief and early recovery needs as indicated in the Revised Appeal. So far, the Appeal is 41 percent funded with a shortfall of US$ 285 million. 'Aid workers now have access to cyclone-affected areas and an objective joint assessment of the ongoing relief and recovery needs has been completed. With these conditions now met, we look forward to the international community following their commitments to continue providing urgently needed assistance,' added Mr Baker.

For further information please contact:

Laksmita Noviera, United Nations Coordination Office Myanmar
Tel: +95 1 544 500 Room 811 or +95 9 504 3425