Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator, Stephen O’Brien statement on earthquakes in Italy and Myanmar


I am saddened by the reports of lives lost and damage caused by earthquakes today in Italy and Myanmar, and wish to convey my condolences to the peoples and governments of both countries.

In Italy, Accumoli, Amatrice and other towns in the Central Appennines were struck early this morning by a 6M earthquake and two major aftershocks, with local sources reporting that up to 60 people have been killed and 150 remain unaccounted for. Some 2,500 people are reported to have been displaced. National responders are leading the response effort.

In Myanmar, initial reports indicate that some buildings, including schools, pagodas and houses, have been damaged in Naypyitaw, Mandalay and Magway regions after a 6.8M earthquake struck late afternoon. The authorities are assessing the damage.

OCHA is in contact with the national authorities and we continue to closely monitor both situations. The United Nations and our partners stand ready to support the national authorities and local organizations should any humanitarian support be needed.

Geneva, 24 August 2016

For further information, please contact:
Vanessa Huguenin, OCHA Geneva, huguenin@un.org, Tel +41 79 317 7342
Amanda Pitt, OCHA New York, pitta@un.org, Tel +1 917 442 1810
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