Emergency Relief Coordinator and EU Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid call on the international community to strengthen support to quake-affected Nepalese [EN/NE]


(Kathmandu, 1 May 2015): The United Nations Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator, Valerie Amos, and the European Union’s Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Management, Christos Stylianides, appealed to the international community today to continue its support to the millions of Nepalese affected by Saturday’s earthquake, as people are struggling to rebuild their lives.

The 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck Nepal on 25 April at 11:56 a.m. local time creating large-scale damage across the country, including in the densely-populated Kathmandu Valley. Millions of people were affected and require urgent, life-saving assistance. Many of them remain in hard-to-reach, poor areas. Local communities have been working around the clock to aid each other. In the immediate aftermath of the disaster, the Government and humanitarian and international organisations launched a massive relief operation.

“I am heartened and encouraged by the generosity and solidarity shown to date,” said Ms. Amos, “but I am also conscious of the urgent need to provide emergency shelter and basic goods and services to people affected as the monsoon season rapidly approaches. So many people have lost everything”.

The United Nations and partners developed a joint humanitarian response plan aimed at supporting Government-led efforts in addressing the most critical shelter, water and sanitation, emergency health, food, and protection needs of millions of those affected in the next three months.

“The challenge ahead of us is tremendous,” commented Mr. Stylianides. “The European Union will continue to provide whatever support we can to assist the country to get back on track towards recovery and development”.

To date, some US$53 million has been provided in support of the ongoing response; this includes bilateral support and funding received against the $415-million Flash Appeal as well as the $15 million made available from the UN Central Emergency Response Fund to kick-start humanitarian activities on the ground. Rapidly deteriorating weather conditions, as the monsoon season approaches, is likely to become an added logistical challenge to the provision of humanitarian assistance. Funding is needed immediately to continue the relief operations.

Ms. Amos and Mr. Stylianides are visiting Nepal to see for themselves the extent of the damage and needs. They are meeting with affected communities, senior Government officials and humanitarian and international organisations.

For further information please contact:

Orla Fagan, Regional Public Information Officer, OCHA Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific. Tel: +977.9860.889.209 or +66.899.447.623; e-mail: fagano@un.org

Pierre Prakash, Asia-Pacific Regional Information Officer, European Commission Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection department (ECHO). Tel: +977.9806.634.809 or +66.898.115.481; e-mail: pierre.prakash@echofield.eu