CERF allocates $2.6 million to improve the nutritional status and reinforce livelihoods of vulnerable populations in Niger

CERF has allocated $2.6 million to improve the nutritional status and reinforce livelihoods of vulnerable populations due to flooding in Niger.

Some $760,000 will support the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) to ensure availability of and access to quality treatment for severe acute malnutrition for 3,500 children under five. It will also enable UNICEF to respond to cholera outbreak by providing safe drinking water, ensuring treatment and disinfection of polluted water points, and conducting hygiene education for utilization of safe drinking water.

Some $1.8 million will enable the World Food Programme (WFP) to procure and deliver 1,464 mt of food to 51,870 children aged 6 to 35 months in Diffa and 45,981 malnourished children under five and mothers in Diffa and Zinder.