Humanitarian Coordinator in Niger condemns the killing of over 60 civilians


Niamey, 17 March 2021 – The Humanitarian Coordinator in Niger, Ms. Louise Aubin, condemns in the strongest terms the heinous killing of at least 64 civilians in the Banibangou locality on 15 March.

The victims were returning home from a livestock market in Banibangou town (about 160 km north of Niamey) in the Tillabéri region, when the commercial vehicles transporting them were targeted in a triple attack perpetrated by unidentified armed men. Seven people were killed in Darey Deye village, 28 on the Banibangou-Sinegodar road and 29 on the Banibangou-Dare Deye road. Five civilians were allegedly seriously injured, of whom two were evacuated to the Banibangou and Abala and health facilities. The assailants destroyed granaries that held food stores, killed livestock, burned two vehicles and stole two others.

“I am shocked and saddened by these killings and on behalf of the humanitarian community in Niger, extend our deepest condolences to the bereaved families and the Government of Niger. We also wish a speedy recovery to the injured persons. Absolutely nothing can justify the killing of these innocent people who were going about their daily activities,” said Ms. Aubin.

“We call on the Government to make every effort to find the perpetrators of this crime and to hold them legally accountable for their actions. Civilians are not a target and must be protected. These dreadful acts must stop. Violence against civilians constitutes a violation of international humanitarian law. We call on all parties to respect human rights law and their obligation to spare persons who are not taking part in the violence”, stressed the Humanitarian Coordinator in Niger.

Since January, this is the second deadliest attack against civilians in the Tillabéri region after the 2 January 2021 attack on the villages of Tchomobangou et Zaroum Darey, which left hundreds of people dead.

For more information, contact:
Laura Fultang, Public Information Officer,, (+227) 99 71 71 39 Dieudonné Bamouni, Head of Office,, (+227) 96 00 94 98
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