Media Advisory - OCHA Deputy Director of Operations and Advocacy Division visits Niger


WHO: David Carden, Deputy Director of Operations and Advocacy Division

WHAT: Mission to Niger

WHEN: 30 January to 4 February 2021

WHERE: Niamey and Ouallam (Tillabéri region)

The OCHA Deputy Director of Operations and Advocacy Division, David Carden, will travel to Niger from 30 January to 4 February to see first-hand the deteriorating humanitarian situation and its impact on affected women, girls, boys and men. This is his first mission to Niger.

During meetings with national authorities and other stakeholders (senior government officials, humanitarian actors and donors), he will discuss ways to strengthen support for humanitarian response to people in need. He will advocate for protection of civilians and humanitarian workers. He will also advocate for improved humanitarian access to the people in urgent need of assistance.

Mr. Carden will visit Ouallam, in the Tillabéri region (West of the country) to meet with people affected by the crisis.

A press briefing will be held on Friday, 4 February at 16h00, at the Bravia Hotel, in Niamey

For more information, contact
Laura Fultang, Public Information Officer,
Boubacar Hamani Abdoulaye, Associate Public Information Officer,, (+227) 97 86 96 15
Dieudonné Bamouni, Head of Office,, (+227) 96 00 94 98
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