Niger: Humanitarian Coordinator strongly condemns violence against civilians


(Niamey, 30 July 2021) – The Humanitarian Coordinator a.i. in Niger, Mr. Attaher Maiga, condemns the series of attacks that took place between 19 and 28 July 2021, in the villages of Deykoukou and Wiyé (Banibangou Department), Tingou peul, Gabikane and Bankata (Diagourou Commune), in the Tillabéry region. The casualty figures include 23 people killed and more than 10 people abducted. Many granaries have been burned.

“Civilians are not a target and must be protected. These serial killings must stop,” said the Humanitarian Coordinator a.i. “Violence against civilians is a violation of international humanitarian law. I urge national authorities to increase efforts to protect the population without discrimination”.

This upsurge of violence could result in a massive, forced displacement. About 269 households that fled violence between 28 and 29 July in Deykoukou village, have found refuge in Banibangou department, increasing humanitarian needs in the Tillabéry region. About 101,144 internally displaced persons are registered in the region while an estimated 529,795 people need multisectoral humanitarian assistance, in the context of a complex emergency.

“I reiterate our call to all actors to respect their obligations under international humanitarian law and to protect the dignity of the population. The perpetrators of these crimes must be brought to justice and to face the consequences of their actions,” said Attaher Maiga.