Returnees in Niger supported with $3.7 million from the CERF

07 June 2011: More than $3.7 million was allocated from the CERF in June to allow United Nations agencies to respond to the humanitarian needs of people in Niger who had fled the crisis in Libya. Events in Libya to the north forced tens of thousands of people to flee suddenly back across the border to Niger, including not only Nigeriens but also third country nationals. By the end of April more than 66,000 people had made the over-land journey and many were in need of urgent assistance.

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) was provided with $2.6 million from the CERF to provide evacuation and repatriation assistance to those arriving in Niger, receiving and registering people arriving at the border, and distributing food, safe water and essential non-food items to vulnerable migrants. The CERF allocated $500,000 to the World Food Programme (WFP), enabling it to extend United Nations Humanitarian Air Service (UNHAS) flights to otherwise inaccessible areas of Niger where refugees had settled. Nearly $500,000 was made available to the World Health Organization (WHO) to ensure primary health services for migrants, as well as organize a meningitis vaccination campaign for some 60,000 migrants and a measles vaccination campaign for 2,500 children under five. The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) meanwhile received nearly $180,000 to provide safe water and basic sanitation facilities for migrants.

Updated on 25 July 2011