Statement by Humanitarian Coordinator in Niger, Ms. Khardiata Lo Ndiaye, on recent deadly attacks on civilians in the south-eastern town of Toumour


Two days ago, at least 27 civilians were killed and many others injured in the district of Toumour in the Diffa region. I condemn in the strongest terms these heinous killings.

The local market, hundreds of cattle and houses have been burnt. These direct attacks compromise the protection of vulnerable civilians who are trying to survive despite the dire living conditions in one of the most insecure regions of the Sahel.

In Diffa, one of the regions most affected by the security crisis in the Lake Chad Basin, 183 security incidents affecting more than 495 civilian victims were recorded between January and November.

Despite, ongoing risks and uncertainty, the humanitarian community is committed to stay and deliver emergency assistance such as clean drinking water, food and basic healthcare services to the most vulnerable people.

I reiterate our call for all actors to respect their obligations under international humanitarian law and to protect the dignity of the population. Civilians, including women and children, are not a target. Their lives must be spared in armed conflict by all parties.

For more information, contact Laura Fultang, Public Information Officer,

Boubacar Hamani Abdoulaye, Associate Public Information Officer,, (+227) 97 86 96 15

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