The Humanitarian Coordinator for Nigeria condemns recent attacks on civilians in camps for internally displaced persons


Abuja, 25 July 2017 – The Humanitarian Coordinator for Nigeria, Edward Kallon, condemns in the strongest terms the deadly suicide attacks that took place in the Dalori I and Dalori II IDP camps in the outskirts of Maiduguri, the capital of Borno State, on 24 July 2017, which resulted in the deaths of several civilians, including women and children, and injured many others.

These suicide attacks are the latest in the recent accelerating trend of attacks against civilians in north-east Nigeria over the past few months.

Mr. Edward Kallon conveys his condolences to the bereaved and wishes a speedy recovery to all the injured.

“The women, children and men who are living in camps for displaced have already endured such hardship and loss – from displacement, to hunger, illness and thirst. Many have lost everything, including their homes and livelihoods. They deserve to live in peace,” Mr. Kallon stated.

He wishes to remind all parties to conflict that attacks on civilians in all their forms and manifestations are criminal and unjustifiable and constitute a serious violation of international human rights and humanitarian law.

The Humanitarian Coordinator commends the Government of Nigeria for all the effort made thus far in securing IDP sites across all crisis-affected states and calls for a redoubling of efforts to ensure that all conflict-affected families in north-east Nigeria can enjoy the basic human right to live in peace and security.

For further information, please contact:
Yasmina Guerda, Public Information Officer, OCHA Nigeria, (+234) 903 781 0095,
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