Media Advisory: United Nations and Nigeria’s private sector launch first-ever joint Humanitarian Fund


What: Launch of the UN Nigeria Humanitarian Fund – Private Sector Initiative (NHF-PSI).
When: Thursday 15 November 2018,

  • 2:30pm: Press Pre-Briefing
  • 3:45pm: Launch event (begins at 4:00pm sharp)
    Where: The Wings Complex, Oando; 17A Ozumba Mbadiwe Avenue, Victoria Island, Lagos, Nigeria
    Who: The United Nations and Nigeria’s top business leaders will launch the NHF-PSI and thereafter address the members of the press

The United Nations and Nigeria’s business leaders will make history in Lagos on Thursday 15 November 2018 with the launch of the United Nations Nigeria Humanitarian Fund - Private Sector Initiative.

The humanitarian crisis in north-east Nigeria that has spilled into neighbouring Cameroon, Chad and Niger, is one of the most severe in the world today.

More than 7 million people are affected in the three worst-affected states of Borno, Adamawa and Yobe. 1.8 million people are displaced internally. With other global crises competing for scarce resources, the Nigeria Humanitarian Fund – a funding mechanism, set up in May 2017 and managed by the United Nations – is today evolving to partner with the Nigerian private sector, to mobilise additional resources and to ensure more timely and effective life-saving support for the affected population.

The platform is a first in the world for humanitarian action. It is a major innovation that will serve as a blueprint for other country-based funds. The launch will be attended by leaders of Nigeria’s private sector, senior UN representatives, representatives of donor countries and civil society representatives.

Mr. Jim Ovia, Founder and pioneer Group MD/CEO of Zenith Bank (NHF PSI Founder Donor & Steering Group Chair) and CEO Mr. Wale Tinubu of Oando – one of Africa's largest integrated energy solutions provider – are among several of Nigeria’s top business leaders who have joined this collaborative, accountable and measurable platform for humanitarian action. A number of major Nigerian companies are expected to pledge donations at the launch.

The launch will be followed by a press briefing by the UN Humanitarian Coordinator in Nigeria, Mr. Edward Kallon, and Nigeria’s top business leaders who are attending the launch.

The press is invited to attend and cover the launch.

Members of the press are also invited to a pre-briefing at 2:30pm prior to the launch for more detailed background on the initiative.

The UN and private sector leadership will field questions from participating media following the launch. Members of the press are expected to arrive and be seated by 3:45pm.

Press registration (required):

For more information/enquiries, please contact:
Samantha Newport, Head of OCHA Communications
Phone: +234 0906 227 7205

About the Nigeria Humanitarian Fund:
First announced at the Oslo Conference in February 2017, the Nigeria Humanitarian Fund became operational in May 2017 and has raised US $70 million from 17 donor countries. Considered an “Investment in Humanity” the Fund, which is managed by the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs on behalf of the UN Humanitarian Coordinator, supports life-saving assistance. By partnering with Nigeria’s private sector, the Fund seeks to raise awareness and support to the humanitarian response from business leaders who play an important role in the lives of Nigerians. This initiative will see companies in Nigeria support the Fund, joining the donor countries that have already donated to the Fund.