Mr. Matthias Schmale, Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator in Nigeria - Statement on the killing of civilians in Ngala, Borno State, Abuja, 9 March 2023


The United Nations strongly condemns the reported ambush and brutal killing of more than 30 civilians in Mukdolo village in Ngala Local Government Area in Borno State yesterday. Several people were also reportedly injured, and others are still missing following the deadly attack allegedly carried out by an armed group.

On behalf of the United Nations, I extend my heartfelt condolences to the bereaved families and wish the injured who are recuperating a speedy recovery.

The victims of this heinous attack were fishermen and farmers eking out a livelihood in a very insecure environment. They included both internally displaced persons (IDPs) and host community members from the neighbouring Dikwa Local Government Area.

This deeply shocking attack is another horrific reminder of the real threats of violence and insecurity that IDPs and other people affected by more than 13 years of the non-international armed conflict in the region continue to face daily in their struggle to survive. The village of Mukdolo had been abandoned prior to the attack due to the activities of non-state armed groups.

I remind all parties to the conflict to adhere to their obligations under international humanitarian and human rights law to protect civilians from harm.

I also call on State authorities to speedily investigate this crime and swiftly bring the perpetrators to justice.


For further information, please contact:

Ann WERU, Head – Public Information, OCHA Nigeria, Email:, (+234) 703 852 2706

Christina POWELL, Public Information Officer, OCHA Nigeria, Email:, (+234) 906 227 7205

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