Nigeria Humanitarian Fund Annual Report 2023



I am pleased to present the 2023 Annual Report for the Nigeria Humanitarian Fund (NHF). This report outlines the strategic deployment of the NHF in tackling the critical humanitarian needs in the BAY states of Borno, Adamawa, and Yobe during 2023. It offers insights into the Fund’s management, accountability, and allocation-specific achievements.

I extend my gratitude to our partners, including both national and international NGOs, UN agencies, funds, and programs, as well as sectors, for their unwavering commitment and efforts in Nigeria. The NHF funding played a pivotal role, enabling them to address the underfunded areas of the Humanitarian Response Plan, acute malnutrition and food insecurity, and the protection of women, girls and vulnerable groups, ensuring inclusion in programming and providing essential support for humanitarian actions in times of limited or no alternative funding.

The NHF showcased its unique value and advantages in 2023 by facilitating responses to a variety of emergencies, differing in scale, nature, and geographic location. With its combination of adaptability, strategic direction, and a strong accountability framework, the NHF was instrumental in prioritizing collective efforts, fostering humanitarian actions, and enhancing the overall coordination, leadership, and effectiveness of the humanitarian response. During the year, the Fund exceeded the target of extending support through local actors.

As the northeast of Nigeria continues to grapple with ongoing conflict, food insecurity, and natural disasters, the NHF’s contribution in 2023 was marked by a focus on direct implementation and integrated responses. The NHF stands out as a key instrument for supporting the humanitarian response in Nigeria, notably for its backing of local NGO partners and its integral role within the humanitarian coordination framework, driving forward innovation in the sector.

We are profoundly thankful for the generous donations totaling $18.2 million in 2023, from Belgium, Canada, Germany, Ireland, Luxembourg, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and private donors. Your support is crucial for making a tangible impact on the lives of those in need.

In 2024, we plan to advocate for resources from donors that have not contributed to the NHF in the past. Together we can continue to address humanitarian gaps in an efficient and practical fashion, while promoting innovation and localization.

Finally, my appreciation also goes to the Advisory Board for their ongoing guidance throughout the NHF’s seven years of operation. Expanding the Board to include additional representation of local partners will ensure that Nigerian voices, including women and youth, are strongly featured in the NHF in the years to come.

Yours sincerely,

Mohamed Malick
Fall Humanitarian Coordinator for Nigeria