Nigeria: UN Appalled by Attack Hitting Civilians and Humanitarian Facility in Monguno


ABUJA, 14 June – The Humanitarian Coordinator in Nigeria, Mr Edward Kallon, vehemently condemns the violent attacks by non-state armed groups in Monguno and Nganzai LGAs yesterday, in which many civilians were killed, including a four-year old girl. At least 37 other civilians were injured and a major humanitarian facility was damaged.

“I am deeply saddened by the news that many civilians, including an innocent child, lost their lives in these horrific attacks. My deepest condolences go to their families. Those who were injured are also in my thoughts and I wish them a speedy recovery,” said Mr Kallon. “I am appalled by the continued violent attacks launched by non-state armed groups in civilian areas in Borno State.”

On 13 June, non-state armed group operatives aboard light trucks mounted with heavy artillery raided Goni Usmanti community in Nganzai LGA before penetrating the town of Monguno around 11.45 a.m. from two different entry points, resulting in clashes with the military which lasted for about two hours. The armed assailants reached the humanitarian hub, where over 50 aid workers were present at the time of the attack.

Though the facility only sustained light damage, initial reports indicate it was directly targeted and an unexploded projectile was found at the gate. All UN and INGO vehicles in front of the humanitarian hub, which includes humanitarian offices and accommodation, were set ablaze. Protective security measures deployed at the hub prevented any harm to the staff inside.

“I am relieved all staff are safe and secure, but I am shocked by the intensity of this attack. It is the latest of too many clashes affecting civilians, humanitarian actors and the assistance we provide,” stressed the Humanitarian Coordinator. “Civilians and aid workers, their facilities and assets should never be a target and must be protected and respected at all times. I continue to call on all parties to respect and protect civilians and humanitarian personnel in accordance with international humanitarian law.”

On 18 January, another humanitarian hub in the town of Ngala, near the border to Cameroon, was the target of a complex assault by non-state armed groups. An entire section of the facility was burned down as well as one of the few vehicles UN agencies rely on for the delivery of aid. Humanitarian hubs, managed by IOM for the humanitarian community, are critical to reaching the most vulnerable in insecure areas in Borno State. They enable aid workers to deliver assistance and carry out life-saving activities in remote locations amid challenging operational environments.

Such incidents impede the ability for aid workers to stay and deliver assistance to the people most in need in these remote areas. Twenty-five aid organisations are providing assistance to more than 150,000 internally displaced persons in the town of Monguno, in the north-eastern part of Borno State. The United Nations and NGO partners in Nigeria are working to bring urgent aid and curtail the spread of COVID-19 in the north-eastern states of Borno, Adamawa and Yobe where 10.6 million people are in need of assistance.

For further information, please contact:

Eve SABBAGH, Head of Public Information, OCHA Nigeria, (+234) 9073430290,

Abiodun BANIRE, Public Information Officer, OCHA Nigeria, (+234) 7031718735,