Aid agencies request $551 million for urgent humanitarian needs for civilians affected by the Gaza Crisis


Today, the Deputy Prime Minister of the State of Palestine, H.E. Dr. Mohammad Mustafa, and the Humanitarian Coordinator, Mr. James W. Rawley, released the updated Gaza Crisis Appeal, which focuses on addressing the urgent humanitarian needs of Palestinians in Gaza affected by the recent armed conflict.

“The past months have been some of the grimmest for our people in Gaza, who are now experiencing urgent humanitarian needs. The Gaza Crisis Appeal is an essential first response to these needs. This Appeal and our “Bridging to Recovery” Initiative represent the start of the Gaza Early Recovery and Reconstruction Plan developed by the Government,” said Deputy Prime Minister Dr. Mustafa. “We challenge the world to be ambitious and daring in helping us realise recovery, reconstruction and a better future for Gaza as part of an independent prosperous Palestinian state. An immediate measure is to end the blockade on Gaza and ensure our people never again experience the horrors of this summer.”

“It is painfully clear that the scope of damage and devastation is unprecedented in the Gaza Strip. Equally clear is that the crisis is far from over,” said Mr. Rawley. “It is imperative that this Appeal be strongly supported so that the humanitarian needs identified through the multi-cluster rapid assessment (MIRA) can be addressed. But this will only carry us through the next few months and is not a solution. We need fundamental changes in the Gaza Strip, to transform the situation from one of death and despair to one of hope and opportunity. Foremost among these is a continued ceasefire, a full lifting of the blockade, and a political solution.”

The 2014 Gaza Crisis Appeal requests $551 million in support of the vulnerable population of the Gaza Strip affected by the conflict. It focuses on displaced persons, the injured, the elderly, children, and women, as well as farmers and fishermen who have lost their livelihoods. The Appeal includes the provision of food assistance and basic supplies; expanding access to health, water and education; and meeting the protection needs of the population, including psychosocial support. Assistance will be provided by the Government, UN agencies, and international and local non-governmental organizations (NGOs).


For more information, please contact:

Government media queries: Ehab Bseiso, Palestinian Government Media Center, +970 (0) 599 607080,

Media queries: Hayat Abu-Saleh, OCHA, + 972 (0) 54 33 11 816,

Donor queries: Aisha Majid, OCHA, + 972 (0) 54 33 11 806,