Joint Statement of the UN Emergency Relief Coordinator and the UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process

Further to the request of the United Nations Secretary-General, Ban Ki-moon, United Nations Emergency Relief Coordinator Mr. John Holmes, and the Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process, Mr. Robert Serry, visited Gaza on 22 January 2009. This marked the launch of the humanitarian needs assessment of the civilian population in Gaza.

The mission was struck by the scale and urgency of the needs of the people of Gaza, and the heavy and multi-faceted impact that this conflict has had on the civilian population. The United Nations and its partners will focus first on meeting life-saving needs, restoring basic social services, such as water, health and education, and supporting emergency repairs of critical infrastructure. This assessment will be concluded with the launch of a Gaza Flash Appeal, which will be launched in early February. Work has also begun on assessing early recovery needs.

During the course of the mission, the Emergency Relief Coordinator and the Special Coordinator will meet with Israeli authorities to underscore that Israel must fully facilitate the meeting of the needs of the people of Gaza. This includes the need for full, timely, and unrestricted access for all goods and humanitarian actors required for the well-being of the Palestinian civilian population. They are also meeting the Palestinian Authority regarding the best way to scale up humanitarian assistance in Gaza.