The Monthly Humanitarian Monitor - occupied Palestinian territory, July 2012



Concerns of the threat of forcible displacement of herding communities in some parts of Area C of the West Bank have again become prominent, and this time they are related to the fate of twelve Palestinian communities in the south Hebron hills, following a submission by the Israeli Ministry of Defense (MoD) to the Israeli High Court of Justice (HCJ). The MoD maintains that eight of the 12 communities, estimated population 1,126, should be evicted from the area known as Firing Zone 918, which is designated for military training. The other four communities should be allowed to remain, but will be prohibited from constructing additional infrastructure.



  • Eight communities in the Hebron governorate at heightened risk of displacement...............................3
  • Historical entrance into Jericho opened on the occasion of Ramadan.................................................5
  • Approximately 50,000 Palestinians require water tankering over the next four months ......................5
  • Gaza: access to specialized medical treatment interrupted due to the internal political rift...........6
  • Building materials exceptionally allowed into Gaza for private sector..................................................................7
  • Gaza Power Plant capacity increased to 120MW but electricity crisis continues...........................................8