Occupied Palestinian Territory Flash Appeal at a Glance, April - December 2024


The OPT Flash Appeal calls for US $2.822 billion for UN Agencies, INGO, and NGO partners to address the most urgent and critical needs of three million people in the Gaza Strip (Gaza) and the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, covering a 9-month period from April through December 2024.

This represents only part of the US $4.089 billion that the UN and partners estimate is required to support the basic needs of 3.3 million people. It reflects an effort to be realistic about what will be implementable given the current operating context.

The magnitude of this response and operational constraints are beyond what has been seen before in OPT and in other contexts. The vision laid out in this appeal requires critical changes in the operating environment. The essential conditions for provision of humanitarian assistance at the required scale are:

• Humanitarian actors must have safe and sustained access to all people in need across the Gaza Strip and West Bank, including East Jerusalem.

• More entry and supply routes via land into Gaza, including directly into northern Gaza (Karni, Erez); the use of Ashdod and Gaza City port as a maritime corridor; and supplies from Jordan transported directly to Erez/Karni and Kerem Shalom.

• Improved ability to move within Gaza to effectively deliver assistance within the north.

• Entry of critical humanitarian items, including communications equipment and protective gear for humanitarian staff.

• Funding must be timely and flexible to allow humanitarian actors to adapt programming to a highly dynamic context.

• Visas and permits for UN and INGO staff to support Gaza operations from Jerusalem, and for staff to move within the West Bank.

Response Priorities

The main response priority is to scale the humanitarian response to address the current level of needs across OPT. This will be done by:

• Providing emergency supplies including food, water,
NFIs, education materials, and others until services and markets are again operable.

• Making assistance accessible to all people in need, including delivering in the hard-to-reach areas.

• Supporting existing structures, services, and markets where feasible.

• Integrating time critical interventions in Gaza which lay the foundations for sustainable recovery.

Protection serves as the foundation for the overall response which will be inclusive and genderresponsive with a specific focus on gender-based violence (GBV) and on children.