oPt Humanitarian Fund Annual Report 2023



I am pleased to share with you the 2023 Annual Report of the occupied Palestinian territory Humanitarian Fund (oPt HF, the “Fund”). This report highlights the significant accomplishments achieved over the past year, offering insights into the management and accountability measures in place, aligned with key performance principles.

In 2023, the Gaza Strip witnessed on-and-off escalations while heightened violence in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, continued. The 7th of October ushered in an unprecedented emergency, worsening an already unstable humanitarian context. UN Agencies and humanitarian partners estimate that over 2.7 million Palestinians in the oPt now require humanitarian assistance, this includes almost all of the Gaza Strip population and a significant number of Palestinians in the West Bank. Israel, as the occupying power, is still responsible to protect the Palestinian civilian population. This means they have to provide for basic needs and to ensure that there is unimpeded humanitarian access to those in need.

And yet the shrinking of humanitarian space continues unabated. Restrictions on our partners’ ability to deliver aid in the field and on their and our ability to enter the country and continue work, have posed significant hurdles to our operations.

Despite these obstacles, the oPt Humanitarian Fund remained steadfast in its mission, thanks to the support from and flexibility offered by our donors and partners. This has contributed to facilitating critical responses and upholding OCHA’s humanitarian coordination mandate.

Swift adaptation to emerging needs, including the introduction of the 48-hour allocation – a tool that has enabled us to fund critical and lifesaving projects in record time, exemplifies our commitment to efficiency and immediate impact but more importantly, saving lives.

Strategic partnerships, particularly with local NGOs, have been the backbone of our aid delivery system. The close ties of these organizations to the communities and their ability to operate in hard-to-reach areas have been invaluable. Their contribution is a testament to the power of local expertise and dedication in addressing the most pressing humanitarian needs.

Our commitment to accountability and transparency has never been stronger. With each year and each tweak of our guidelines, our system undergoes continuous improvement. This cycle of trial and improvement ensures that every dollar contributed is utilized most effectively and responsibly, focused on our beneficiaries’ needs. The Fund’s strategic approach evolved beyond a mere funding mechanism, positioning itself as a strategic instrument enhancing principled humanitarian action in the oPt.

In 2023, donors took the informed decision to trust and invest in the Fund, empowering front-line responders. The Fund has received a staggering $91.4 million in contributions, a threefold increase from the previous year, enabling us to launch four strategic allocations, amounting to over US $68 million and supporting 110 humanitarian projects— an unprecedented achievement, tripling the funds disbursed in the previous year.

Looking to 2024, the humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip has reached a disastrous stage, unlike anything we have seen before, and demands a collective and elevated response. The Fund’s role in alleviating the suffering of the most vulnerable Palestinians is more crucial than ever. We must rise to meet this challenge with determination and strategic foresight.

Your continued support and investment in the oPt Humanitarian Fund will be critical in addressing the dire needs of the Palestinian people. Together, we can confront these unprecedented challenges and strive for a future where humanitarian assistance is not just a response but a bridge to a more stable and resilient Palestine.

Jamie McGoldrick a.i., Humanitarian Coordinator for oPt