OPT: Protection of Civilians Weekly Report, 29 Sept-5 Oct 2010


West Bank

One Palestinian killed and seven injured by Israeli forces

On 3 October, an Israeli border policeman shot and killed a Palestinian man, who was attempting to enter East Jerusalem to work without an Israeli?issued permit. The precise circumstances of the shooting remain disputed. The Police Investigations Department of the Israeli Ministry of Justice has opened an investigation into the case.

Seven Palestinians were injured this week by Israeli forces in various incidents. Four, including a 16?year old boy, were injured in clashes with Israeli forces during the weekly demonstrations in Beit Ummar village (Hebron), against the denial of Palestinian access to agricultural land next to Karmi Zur settlement.

Other demonstrations held this week against Barrier construction, settlement expansion, and access restrictions ended without injuries.

Two additional injuries took place during search and arrest operations carried out by Israeli forces in the Silwan neighborhood of East Jerusalem, and in Dhahriya (Hebron). Overall, Israeli forces conducted 73 search and arrest operations across the West Bank this week, well below the weekly average this year (93).

Since the beginning of 2010, 12 Palestinians and two Israeli military or police force members have been killed in the context of the Palestinian?Israeli conflict in the West Bank. The same period last year witnessed 17 Palestinian and three Israeli fatalities respectively. In addition, 938 Palestinians and 114 Israeli soldiers and policemen have been injured since the beginning of the year, compared to 699 and 50 respectively in the equivalent period in 2009.