OPT: Protection of Civilians Weekly Report, 6 - 12 Oct 2010


West Bank

Israeli forces killed two armed militants and injured 18 civilians

During the week, Israeli forces killed two armed militants and injured 18 civilians, including ten children, in various incidents throughout the West Bank. The majority of injuries (13) took place during demonstrations. In addition, four Palestinians were injured when an Israeli military jeep and a Palestinian vehicle hit each other. To date in 2010, 14 Palestinians have been killed and 956 others have been injured, compared to 18 and 709, respectively, in the same period in 2009.

In an overnight military raid on 8 October in the Israeli-controlled area of Hebron City (H2), Israeli forces killed two Palestinian men affiliated with the armed wing of the Hamas movement (Izz Idin al Qassam), during exchange of fire. According to the Israeli military, the two Palestinians were suspected of shooting and killing four Israeli settlers in late August. During the armed clash, Israeli bulldozers partially demolished a three-storey building where the armed Palestinians were hiding. As a result, three apartments (one of which was inhabited) and a storage room were totally destroyed, and three shops in the building were damaged. Three people were displaced and 24 others, including six children, were otherwise affected by the demolitions.

In another Israeli raid in the Silwan neighbourhood of East Jerusalem, a ten year old child was injured when Palestinians clashed with Israeli forces. Overall this week, Israeli forces conducted around 100 search and arrest operations throughout the West Bank (including East Jerusalem), slightly above the weekly average of such operations in 2010 (90). Also this week, the Palestinian Center for Human Rights condemned the continued wave of arrests of Hamas activists by the PA security forces and expressed concern over reports about the maltreatment of some of the detainees.

Thirteen Palestinians, including nine children (aged between 12 and 17), were injured in the course of demonstrations that evolved into clashes between Palestinians and Israeli forces, including a protest against last week's settler attack on the Beit Fajjar mosque, and other weekly demonstrations against the construction of the Barrier, access restrictions and the expansion of a settlement. This week, an Israeli military court sentenced the Palestinian Coordinator of the Bil'in Popular Committee Against the Wall and the Settlements to a 12-month imprisonment on charges of incitement.

The remaining four Palestinians were injured in the course of a demolition (three children; see item on demolitions below) and during an alleged attempt to infiltrate into Israel in the Hebron area.