OPT: Report No 21 - Implementation of the agreement on movement and access, 23 Aug - 05 Sep 2006


The United Nations (1) is submitting the 21st bi-weekly report on the implementation of the 15 November Agreement on Movement and Access (AMA), covering the period 23 August - 5 September 2006 inclusive. (2)

1. Overall Progress:

All indicators used to measure the progress on the implementation of the AMA show a situation worse than on 25 November 2005, the first week of the AMA implementation, except at Rafah crossing, where the number of people entering and exiting the Gaza Strip is approximately the same, and the opening of alternative commercial crossings for limited goods traffic. The divergence between the scheduled and actual activity levels can be seen on pages 5-7.

2. Changes since Report No 20 (22 August):


Rafah was open for two out of 14 days (12% of scheduled operating hours) enabling a total of 5,676 people to arrive and 4,246 people to depart the Gaza Strip; an increase on the previous period.

Karni was open for three out of 12 days (13% of scheduled operating hours) enabling a total of 677 truckloads of goods into and 21 truckloads of goods out of the Gaza Strip; a decrease on the previous period.

Erez was open for ten days for limited goods traffic but not aggregates.

Kerem Shalom was open for four days for limited goods traffic but not aggregates.

Sufa crossing was open for five days for limited goods traffic but not aggregates.


Obstacles to movement in the West Bank increased from 547 to 552. This is an increase of 176 or 47% over the baseline figure.

There were no reported security incidents impacting the operation of the crossing points during the reporting period.

3. No Change since Report No 20 (22 August):



- closed to Palestinian workers since 12 March.

Convoys between the Gaza Strip and the West Bank:

Truck convoys

- no discussion; implementation now 8½ months overdue.

Bus convoys

- no discussion; implementation now 7½ months overdue.



- awaiting, since November 2005, GoI assurance to donors that it will not interfere with its operation.


- awaiting, since November 2005, commencement of discussions.


(1) The Office of the Quartet's Special Envoy closed on 28 April since when the United Nations has assumed reporting responsibilities on the implementation of the AMA.

(2) The report draws on all available data sources for reporting including the EU-BAM agencies, PA ministries, PalTrade, COGAT and the World Bank.

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