OPT: Report No 32 - Implementation of the agreement on movement and access, 24 Jan - 06 Feb 2007


The United Nations (1) is submitting the 32nd bi-weekly report on the implementation of the 15 November 2005 Agreement on Movement and Access (AMA), covering the period 24 January - 6 February 2007 inclusive.(2)

1. Overall Progress:

The operation of Rafah crossing continues to be poor. Opening for only 7 hours on 1 day during this period resulted in the lowest overall traveller through-flow since September 2006. The number of export truckloads increased by 19% over the previous period although the operation of Karni crossing continues to fall below the AMA target. The number of senior traders crossing Erez into Israel continues to increase although it remains closed for workers.

2. Changes of note since Report No 31 (23 January):

- Rafah crossing was open on only 1 day allowing a total of 578 people to cross into the Gaza Strip and 901 people out. Rafah was open for 4% of scheduled hours compared to 11% during the previous period.

- Karni crossing was open on 11 out of 12 scheduled operating days enabling a total of 2,668 truckloads of goods into (same as the previous period) and 583 truckloads of goods out (a 19% increase) of the Gaza Strip. In addition 1,996 truckloads of aggregates were imported.(3) Karni was open for 46% of scheduled hours.

- Sufa crossing was open all 12 scheduled working days for the import of aggregates.

- Kerem Shalom crossing was open on 1 day.

- Erez crossing remains closed to all Palestinians except traders holding special permits and emergency humanitarian cases. An average of 280 traders are crossing Erez each day, up from 253 last period.

- Obstacles to movement in the West Bank increased to 529. This represents an increase of 165 or 41% over the baseline figure of August 2005.


(1) The Office of the Quartet's Special Envoy closed on 28 April. Since then the United Nations through the oPt OCHA office has assumed reporting responsibilities on the implementation of the AMA.

(2) The report draws on all available data sources for reporting including the EU-BAM, UN agencies, PA ministries, PalTrade, COGAT and the World Bank.

(3) Aggregates are construction materials that are primarily moved through Sufa crossing.