OPT: UNDAC team arrives in West Bank, begins work

At the request of UNRWA, the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs has dispatched a United Nations Disaster Assessment and Coordination (UNDAC) team to the occupied Palestinian territory to support UNRWA in coordinating the humanitarian response to the current emergency. The team will also identify the resources necessary for the support of the displaced population and the rehabilitation and reconstruction of Jenin Camp.
5 of the team's 7 members arrived in the West bank yesterday and have met with representatives of the UNSCO, ICRC, the World Bank and UNRWA. The rest of the team is expected to arrive today. Members of the UNDAC team are visiting Jenin and Nablus today and are expected to report back tomorrow. The UNDAC Team will also be identifying sites on which to erect some 800 tents for people who have recently been rendered homeless by fighting in the Jenin camp.

OCHA will continue to post updates, including reports on the status of the disaster and assessment coordination, on ReliefWeb.