Statement on Gaza by Martin Griffiths, Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator, 27 May 2024 [EN/AR/HE]


(New York, 27 May 2024) We have said repeatedly that no place is safe in Gaza. Not shelters. Not hospitals. Not the so-called humanitarian zones.

We have also warned that a military operation in Rafah would lead to a slaughter.

We’ve seen the consequences in last night’s utterly unacceptable attack.

Whether the attack was a war crime or a “tragic mistake,” for the people of Gaza, there is no debate. What happened last night was the latest – and possibly most cruel – abomination.

To call it “a mistake” is a message that means nothing for those killed, those grieving, and those trying to save lives.

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In New York: Eri Kaneko,, +1 917 208 8910
In Geneva: Jens Laerke,, +41 79 472 9750

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