Statement by the United Nations Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator for the occupied Palestinian territory, Maxwell Gaylard, on further demolitions in Khirbet Tana

The United Nations condemns the demolition of temporary tented structures sheltering families from the weather in Khirbet Tana. This is the second such incident affecting the community this month.

Khirbet Tana is a community of approximately 250 people, located in Israeli?controlled Area C in the north of the West Bank, close to the city of Nablus. The residents, who have been in the area for decades, live in basic shelters (including tents and caves) and rely on herding and agriculture for their livelihoods. Demolitions of basic shelter and livelihood structures place serious strains on the coping mechanisms of communities affected, who have few other options to sustain their livelihoods.

Commenting on this latest demolition,
United Nations Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator for the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt), Mr. Maxwell Gaylard, who visited Khirbet Tana on Monday, 21 February 2011, said: "if the authorities ultimately responsible for these demolitions could see the devastating impact on vulnerable Palestinian communities, they might reflect upon the inhumanity of their actions. Mr. Gaylard added that under international law, Israel, as the occupying power in the oPt, is prohibited from destroying property belonging to individuals or communities except when absolutely required by military operations".

In 2010, the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) recorded at least 350 demolished structures in Area C alone.