UN relief chief says safety of aid workers and civilians "remains paramount" in Gaza - Statement by Martin Griffiths, Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator [EN/AR/HE]


(New York, 11 April 2024) Yesterday, I met with the Principals of WFP, UNICEF and WHO, as well as with the Special Humanitarian and Reconstruction Coordinator, the DSC/RC/HC a.i. and UNRWA.

The UN welcomes all efforts to increase the amount and type of aid delivered for the people of Gaza, whether by air, sea or, most importantly, land.

We trust that no effort will be spared to ensure that aid reaches those who need it across the Gaza Strip, including in the north, that the safety of our aid workers and of civilians remains paramount, and that the independence of our humanitarian operations is maintained.

We will continue to work with all those committed to alleviating the humanitarian suffering in Gaza and to advocate for principled and safe aid delivery. That is our commitment and obligation to our teams and to the people we serve.