USD 401 million required to fund relief efforts for vulnerable Palestinians in 2013


Jerusalem – The humanitarian Consolidated Appeal (CAP) for the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt) was launched today in Ramallah by the Humanitarian Coordinator, Mr. James W. Rawley. The ongoing conflict and restrictions related to the occupation, as well as the latest extreme weather events, have continued to generate high levels of vulnerability amongst many Palestinians in the Gaza strip and in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem: “Events in 2012, particularly the escalation in Gaza in November, evidence just how fragile the situation in the oPt still is, with civilians bearing the brunt of some of the worst violence seen in the last 3 years. Palestinian families across the oPt continue to need our urgent assistance and protection”, said the Humanitarian Coordinator, James Rawley.

In 2013, the Humanitarian Country Team (HCT), which includes UN agencies, NGOs and the Red Cross movement, will continue efforts to support more than 1.8 million Palestinians in need of protection and humanitarian assistance. Approximately 1.26 million people are currently food insecure - struggling to support themselves and ensure their families have enough to eat. Through the projects in this appeal, among other goals, it is hoped that 300,000 children will receive food and nutritional supplements through school feeding programmes, over 1.1 million vulnerable Palestinians will benefit from regular distributions of basic foodstuffs, and 22,200 households engaged in agriculture will see their food insecurity reduced through improved access to resources and strengthened resilience. Many Palestinians remain at serious risk of violence stemming from the ongoing conflict and occupation, including settler violence and the risk of displacement related to demolitions of homes and property. In 2012, 353 incidents of settler violence resulting in injury or property damage were recorded and almost 900 people were displaced during the year due to home demolitions. Humanitarian agencies will work together to ensure provision of emergency shelter to those displaced, access to psycho-social care for families affected by violence, and to ensure continued access to basic education and health services. The appeal also seeks to provide the most vulnerable Palestinian communities with access to safe, affordable and reliable water, sanitation and hygiene services.

“Our ultimate goal is a situation where Palestinians, can lead normal lives free of the restrictions that currently constrain their enormous potential. Until that time, the humanitarian community remains committed to supporting their basic needs”, said Mr Rawley as he called on the donor community to continue its generous support to humanitarian efforts in the oPt. In particular, he emphasized the importance of early funding in 2013 to ensure that humanitarian organizations can support the thousands of families affected by the escalation in hostilities in the Gaza Strip in November last year and also provide much needed assistance to those affected by the recent winter storm. “The projects in this appeal are designed to address urgent humanitarian needs. However, this assistance can only provide temporary relief – it is not a substitute for progress towards a two state solution.” As part of its annual strategic response plan, the HCT will undertake 157 humanitarian projects, 58 to be implemented by UN agencies, 17 by local NGOs and 82 by international NGOs in areas across the oPt, costing a total of $401.6 million.

The Consolidated Appeal Process (CAP) 2012-2013 for the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt)

CAP 2012-2013 Update, January 2013