Government of Pakistan and the United Nations launch Early Recovery Framework for 2011 floods


(Islamabad, 21 February 2012): The Government of Pakistan and the United Nations are working together to support the millions of people affected by the devastating 2011 floods in Sindh and Balochistan, and helping them to recover their livelihoods.

The Government and the UN today in Islamabad jointly launched the Floods 2011 Early Recovery Framework requesting US$440 million for the restoration of livelihoods, support for food security, basic social services, shelter, community infrastructure, health, nutrition, water and sanitation. “We highly appreciate the unflinching support and assistance provided by the international community to the people of Pakistan, during these testing times. The United Nations Agencies, Foreign Governments, donors, National and International NGOs, and private philanthropy all worked hand-in-glove with the National and Provincial Disaster Management Authorities and other relevant Government Agencies, while responding to immense needs in the affected areas,” expressed Dr. Abdul Hafeez Shaikh, Advisor to the Prime Minister on Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs, Statistics and Planning and Development.

During the early recovery phase, the Government, the United Nations and its partners will support communities by engaging in planning and exploring solutions to reduce the devastating impact of the 2011 floods, and helping communities to quickly return to a normal life pattern while adopting measures for safer and more resilient living, so that they are better prepared for disasters.

The Government is committed to ensure transparency in utilizing funds in all activities related to the Framework and at the same time will facilitate the international and humanitarian community to ensure smooth execution of the framework. “The Floods Early Recovery Framework is a collaborative effort of the Government, the UN and civil society to bridge relief to recovery. It is critical that the international community support this effort to make communities safer, more resilient, and better prepared in the event of possible future flooding and other disasters,” said Timo Pakkala, UN Resident Coordinator and Humanitarian Coordinator in Pakistan.

An initial rapid response plan for the 2011 floods launched in September is currently funded at 47 per cent, or US$168 million, of the US$356 million required to meet humanitarian and early recovery needs through March 2012. The Government, UN and its partners have delivered food for more than three million people, and provided emergency shelter to more than 450,000 households along with household items. More than 1.2 million people have received clean drinking water, and 1.35 million people have received essential medicines and emergency health care.

Further funding is critical, people are still at risk – especially during this pivotal time where people have moved home and crucial early recovery activities are needed to restore livelihoods and rebuild lives.