Humanitarian Community in Pakistan is Faced with New Challenges - Six Months into the Floods


(Islamabad/Geneva/New York: 27 January 2011) This week marks six months since the floods triggered an unprecedented humanitarian crisis in Pakistan, and the humanitarian community operating in the country is still faced with new challenges. After having assisted millions of flood-affected people with emergency aid since August last year, the relief has now also to include early recovery support, and funding for these activities is urgently needed. Out of the more than 450 projects in the Floods Relief and Early Recovery Response Plan, 252 are early recovery activities. "As these well-designed projects are essential for the country to get back on its feet, we need more funding to put them into practice," said the Special Envoy of the Secretary General for Assistance to Pakistan, Mr Rauf Engin Soysal. The Early Recovery projects in the Flood Response Plan are currently funded at 39 percent, and despite the fact that emergency relief is still required, the needs for rehabilitation activities are growing by the day.