Pakistan: Prioritization Statement for the Pakistan Humanitarian Response Plan



The Pakistan Humanitarian Response Plan (PHRP) 2010 was launched in early 2010 to ensure a consolidated, coherent, transparent and coordinated response by the humanitarian community to unmet needs of vulnerable conflict-affected populations in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) province and the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) in north-western Pakistan. In July 2010 the PHRP was extended until the end of December, on the basis of a careful assessment of ongoing needs and a set of specific and defined planning assumptions. Finalisation of the extension coincided with the onset of the current floods, which triggered the launch of a second response plan - the Pakistan Initial Floods Emergency Response Plan (PIFERP).

This Prioritisation Statement has been produced by humanitarian agencies assisting internally displaced people (IDPs) and other conflict-affected people in KP and FATA to ensure a continued focus on the most critical elements of the PHRP as the simultaneous flood response scales up. It explains the relationship between the two response plans, in particular in terms of target beneficiaries, taking into account the significant change in the situation in north-west Pakistan since late July.

It then highlights the PHRP projects which the Humanitarian Country Team (HCT) agrees must continue to be priorities, as well as the funding gap for those projects. These priorities have primarily been determined by the beneficiaries being targeted, and the need to ensure complementarity and coherence between the PHRP and the PIFERP. The HCT has identified two broad beneficiary groups that must continue to be prioritised under the umbrella of the PHRP, namely IDPs in KP, and returnees and "stayees" (people who were never displaced) in FATA.

It has been agreed that the needs of a third category of beneficiaries, KP returnees and stayees, can now more effectively be met under the PIFERP, given the dramatic change in their circumstances since the extension of the PHRP. Projects targeting these beneficiaries are therefore not reflected in this Prioritisation Statement.

The floods response has of course placed major demands on agencies' resources. Only projects that can still be implemented, and for which there is capacity and access to do so, are presented here. As of 17 September, 45% of the total requirements set out in the PHRP have been covered, leaving unmet requirements amounting to US$366.3 million. Following analysis and prioritisation, the funding gap for the prioritized projects that are set out in this document to assist IDPs in KP and returnees and stayees in FATA comes to $244 million.