Pakistan: UN humanitarian chief views returns and destruction in Buner

(Islamabad/New York, 9 July 2009): United Nations Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator John Holmes today visited Buner District in Pakistan's North West Frontier Province, the first such senior visitor to have visited the district since the military operation. In particular, he spent time in the village of Sultanwas, which suffered the most extensive destruction of anywhere in the district during the military operation, and Daggar, the district centre.

District officials said that more than half of those who had fled Buner because of the military operation had already returned, with more on the way. In Daggar, the ERC noted that most shops had opened, and that normal business seemed to be resuming. In Sultanwas, most of the residential area had been destroyed during the military operation. The residents, who had fled before most of the fighting and had just returned, were determined to rebuild and restart their lives, but asked for help in doing so.

The ERC noted that recovery and reconstruction and the necessary improvement in basic services would require time and substantial resources. On the humanitarian side, he reaffirmed the need for short-term assistance to help people recover and resume their lives and livelihoods. The ERC also met prominent members of the Buner community in Daggar. They stressed the need for help in restarting agriculture and the local marble industry, on which thousands of jobs depend.

"I saw no evidence today of continuing conflict in Buner, although I could visit only a small part of the district in the short time I had," Mr. Holmes said. "Clearly many people have made up their minds to return home, and have done so. That is welcome, but people need to be sure that the whole district is safe, with basic services reconnected, before normality can be assured."

"Meanwhile it is essential for the Government and the humanitarian community, with donor support, to go on reducing the suffering of the displaced, and those who have been helping them," he said.

On Friday 10 July, Mr. Holmes is scheduled to meet the President of Pakistan, non-governmental organizations, and donors. He will depart Pakistan early on 11 July.

For further information, please call: OCHA Pakistan: Stephanie Bunker, mobile +92 300 850 2397,; OCHA New York: Nicholas Reader, +1 212 963 4961, mobile +1 646 752 3117, OCHA Geneva: Vanessa Huguenin, +41 22 917 1891,