Statement by the Emergency Relief Coordinator and Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs - On the Anniversary of the Pakistan Floods 2010


(New York, 28 July 2011) A year has passed since Pakistan faced the largest natural disaster in its history. Nearly 20 million people were affected as floodwaters swept across the country, covering an area the size of the United Kingdom.

The disaster changed the lives of millions in a matter of days – causing loss of life and destroying homes. For those who survived, everyday life became a challenge. Many were forced to move to camps and spontaneous shelters or to seek refuge with host families.

As the waters took so long to recede, many could not plant their fields. Food was scarce and children became ill from preventable diseases.

The scale of this disaster galvanized everyone: the Government of Pakistan, the Pakistani military, the aid community, civil society, individuals and countries, who provided emergency funding to the largest appeal in the history of the United Nations.

In close cooperation with the Government, the humanitarian community provided emergency aid, including food, water, shelter and health care. Today, we continue to support families, helping them to rebuild their lives, their homes, their livelihoods. Given the scale of the disaster, the response by the humanitarian community is to be commended.

But it’s the people of Pakistan who showed remarkable resilience, courage, and strength in overcoming a crisis of such immense magnitude.

We will, of course, continue to support them.

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