UN HC/RC Neil Buhne visits North Waziristan Agency


ISLAMABAD (19 November, 2016): Upon conclusion of a two-day visit to North Waziristan Agency, Neil Buhne United Nations Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator for Pakistan said he was impressed by progress made in returning people earlier displaced from their homes, and by the extensive rehabilitation and reconstruction work undertaken by civilian and military authorities. But he was humbled by the work that remained to be done for the hundreds of thousands of people to return to a normal life.

While speaking to officials, Mr. Buhne recognized the Government’s extensive efforts to stabilize security, and rebuild the infrastructure of North Waziristan Agency, and he said it was important for all to work together so that gains made should were not lost. For this to happen stakeholders should work closely on key areas such as humanitarian access, which would allow both immediate humanitarian assistance and longer term development support from international partners, to better supplement government initiatives.

While visiting local schools and health facilities, he recognized the specific needs of girls and women, as well as the importance of recruiting female teachers and health staff. In discussions with elders of the area, support for education, health and water programs was mentioned as a priority.

Mr. Buhne emphasized the humanitarian community’s firm support to returning TDPs and their immediate need for shelter, food, education, including for girls, and health; building on support provided so far for food, agriculture and livelihoods.