United Nations Humanitarian Fund Gives $10 Million (PKR 1 Billion) for Humanitarian Response in North-West Pakistan


(Islamabad, 19 August 2013): The United Nations’ Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) has allocated US$10 million through its underfunded emergencies window for humanitarian assistance to more than 1 million people who remain displaced in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa(KP) and the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) in Pakistan due to insecurity since 2008.

The funds will support the provision of life-saving food aid and critical water, sanitation and hygiene services for 900,000 people; emergency primary health care for 350,000 people; and nutrition services for 39,000 people, including malnourished children. The funds will also allow agencies to provide emergency shelter and non-food items and respond to protection and education needsof people affected by insecurity in KP and FATA.

“Despite dwindling resources, over a million people affected by the emergency in north-western Pakistan are still receiving humanitarian assistance from different humanitarian organizations, in the camps, hosting areas and in the areas of return,” said Timo Pakkala, the UN Resident Coordinator and Humanitarian Coordinator in Pakistan. “This CERF contribution is very timely. However, we must do more to meet the immediate humanitarian needs of the most vulnerable displaced people,” added Pakkala.

The UN and its humanitarian partners are delivering humanitarian assistance in support of Government-led relief and recovery support to displaced people and returnees. In June and July, more than 67,000 people returned to safe areas in Bajaur, Kurram, Mohmand and South Waziristan agencies in FATA. Humanitarian partners provided them with return packages, including transport, non-food items, food and basic services.

Humanitarian partners in Pakistan have so far received $191 million since January 2013 for essential humanitarian operations in KP and FATA. An estimated $129 million is still needed to continue basic services for the temporarily displaced people and returnees between now and December.

Altogether, the CERF has provided $13.9 million for the emergency in KP and FATA in 2013.Pakistan is the fifth-largest recipient of CERF funding, at a total of $158 million.

The CERF is funded by voluntary contributions from UN Member States, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), local governments, the private sector and individual donors. For 2013, donors have so far pledged more than $420 million in support of the Fund, bringing the total amount contributed to CERF since March 2006 to more than $3.2 billion.

For further information, please contact:

OCHA Pakistan: Dan Teng’o, mobile +92 346 856 3615, tengo@un.org; Hazem El Mahi, mobile +92 346 856 3642, elmahi@un.org; Soenke Ziesche, mobile +92 346 856 3516, ziesche@un.org

OCHA press releases are available at www.unocha.org/pakistan, www.pakresponse.info or www.reliefweb.int